a mulitfandom kin edits blog

⋆ If you're racist, LGBTphobe, nazi/alt-right, pedo/MAP, TERF, transmed, believe in reverse oppression, mspec lesbian/gay or supporter, proship, anti-vax, factkin etc
⋆ you use he/him pronouns for Chihiro Fujisaki, anything but they/them for Agent 3 or erase canonical lgbt identities in general
Anyone found breaking this will be blocked! I block freely and please respect this
⋆ This is a kin editing blog, please only send in kin related requests
⋆ Credit me if you use my work, and don't edit it outside of simple cropping
⋆ Be patient, I'm one person who does stuff outside of running this blog so requests may take a while to be completed at times
⋆ I delete requests I can't/won't do
⋆ One request per ask, no more then 3 requests at a time
⋆ The inbox is closed whenever it hits 30 requests and opens again when there's less then 10
⋆ The blog runs on a queue that posts 3 times a day
⋆ Respect the blacklist and don't be invasive about it
⋆ Do not use tone indicators other then /j or /s when talking to me
Bolded are current big favourites and requests for them will likely be prioritised
Video Games
⋆ Ace Attorney
⋆ AI: The Somnium Files
⋆ Animal Crossing
⋆ Arknights
⋆ Bugsnax
⋆ Cookie Run
⋆ Danganronpa
⋆ Deltarune
⋆ Doki Doki Literature Club
⋆ Dragalia Lost
⋆ Ghost Trick
⋆ Legend of Zelda
⋆ Minecraft
⋆ Nintendo
⋆ Persona 5 (no spoilers for P5R)
⋆ Pokemon
* Princess Connect! Re: Dive
⋆ Professor Layton
⋆ Splatoon
⋆ Stardew Valley
⋆ Undertale
⋆ World Flipper
⋆ Zero Escape
TV Shows
⋆ A Series of Unfortunate Events
⋆ Angel
⋆ Buffy The Vampire Slayer
⋆ Doctor Who
⋆ h2o: Just Add Water
⋆ Hannah Montana
⋆ House of Anubis
⋆ iCarly (not the revival)
* Lost
⋆ The Good Place
⋆ Victorious
⋆ Wizards of Waverly Place
⋆ Amphibia
⋆ Avatar the Last Airbender
⋆ Gravity Falls
⋆ Legend of Korra
⋆ She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (no season 5 spoilers)
⋆ Tangled the Series
⋆ The Owl House
⋆ Bocchi the Rock!
⋆ Boku no Hero Academia
⋆ Fullmetal Alchemist
⋆ Pokeani
⋆ Puella Magi Madoka Magica
⋆ Magica Record
⋆ Mod Psycho 100
⋆ Revue Starlight
⋆ Descendants
⋆ Disney Animation
⋆ Into the Spiderverse
⋆ Knives Out
⋆ Wolfwalkers
⋆ X-Men
⋆ DnDads
⋆ Heathers the Musical
⋆ Object kin
⋆ Otherkin
⋆ Ride the Cyclone
⋆ Sanrio
⋆ The Adventure Zone: Balance
⋆ Wicked
I can do select edit types for unlisted sources, check the edits page for more info
Edits / Request Types
I make and use my own PSDs for this blog. Bolded edit types are ones I will do for unlisted sources too
⋆ Icons
⋆ Pride Icons
⋆ Gif Icons
⋆ Reply Icons
⋆ Moodboards/Aesthetics
⋆ Stimboards
⋆ Renty Graphics
⋆ Headers/Banners
⋆ Colour Picked Pride Flags
⋆ Layouts⋆ Canon/Source Calls
⋆ Promos
⋆ 200px default, can do between 80px-500px
⋆ Screenshot, Official Art, Sprite, Manga/Anthology, etc
⋆ Square default but can do other shapesPRIDE ICONS:
⋆ Same as regular icons
⋆ Will do LGBT+ and autistic, other neurodivergent and disabled pride
⋆ Xenogenders + MOGAI accepted
⋆ Include a link to flag if needed
⋆ If you request a gender & sexuality at the same time I typically default to combo flags
⋆ I do not use the green/blue Gay flag, and I use alternative Aroace and Pan flagsGIF ICONS:
⋆ 150px default, can do between 100px-300px
⋆ Default uses an overlay
⋆ Square default, can do other shapesREPLY ICONS:
⋆ 100px default, can do between 80px-150px
⋆ Done in a certain style
⋆ Screenshot, Official Art, Sprite, Manga/Anthology, etcMOODBOARDS / AESTHETICS:
⋆ 9 image board focusing on a kin/cc
⋆ Specify themes and colours
⋆ Aesthetics include direct images of your kin/cc, moodboards do notSTIMBOARD:
⋆ 9 image board with 8 stim gifs and one center image of your kin/cc
⋆ Specify stims and colours
⋆ Please include and stims you do not want includedRENTRY GRAPHICS:
⋆ A set of 4 graphics themed around a kin/cc
⋆ Typically one gif, 2 still images and 1 "bouncy" gif graphic
⋆ Specify themes/colours wantedHEADERS / BANNERS:
⋆ For Tumblr, Twitter or Discord
⋆ Specify themes/colours
⋆ Can do gifs for Tumblr and Discord headersLAYOUTS:
⋆ For Tumblr, Twitter or Discord
⋆ Specify themes/colours
⋆ Can do gif Headers/Icons for DiscordCOLOUR PICKED PRIDE FLAGS:
⋆ A pride flag of your choice but made up of colours picked from your kin/cc
⋆ Can use sprites, official art, screenshots etc
⋆ Feel free to specify a specific image for me to useCANON / SOURCE CALL:
⋆ Include the full name of your kin & source
⋆ Who you're looking for
⋆ Any details about your canon you want to share
⋆ How to contact you
⋆ You must include your age/if you're an adult or minorPROMOS:
⋆ Promos for other kin related blogs or discord servers
⋆ Just tag me in the post or send an ask in
⋆ Abuse, self harm, pedophilia, incest, etc (recovery from these is okay)
⋆ Horror, gore
⋆ Child/animal harm/death
⋆ Yandere, weirdcore, traumacoreCHARACTERS:
⋆ Any canonical pedo/abuser
⋆ Lilac Cookie, Milk Cookie (Cookie Run)
⋆ Kokichi Ouma, Teruteru Hanamura, Hifumi Yamada (Danganronpa)
⋆ DJ Octavio, Commander Tartar (Splatoon)
⋆ Mineta Minoru, Moonfish (BNHA)
⋆ Tyrian Callows, James Ironwood (RWBY)
⋆ Lucas Miller (TAZ:B)PAIRINGS:
Catra/Adora (SPOP), Alex/Elisanne (Dragalia), Texas/Lappland, Mostima/Exusiai (Arknights), Akira Kurusu/Futaba Sakura (P5), Katsuki Bakugo/Izuku Midoriya & Ochaco Uraraka (BNHA), Oscar Pine/Ruby Rose (RWBY)CHARACTER/MEN:
⋆ Any canonical lesbian, Celestia Ludenberg, Mahiru Koizumi (Danganronpa), Lillie (Pokemon), Ann Takamaki, Haru Okumura, Makoto Niijima (P5), Franziska von Karma (Ace Attorney)CHARACTER/WOMEN:
⋆ Any canonical gay man, Nagito Komaeda (Danganronpa), Yusuke Kitagawa, Goro Akechi (P5), Eijirou Kirishima (BNHA), Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Any requests involving these will be deleted, please respect that I have the right to deny any request for any reason too even if it's not specifically listed on here
★ Mod Story ★
Adult ⋆ They/Nym/Vie
Hello! You can call me Mod Story and I run this blog! I'm a nonbinary lesbian who is happily taken, and I'm based from the UK which is why my posting times can be kind of strange.I'm autistic and my current biggest special interests are Pokemon, Arknights and RWBYI've been editing for 9+ years now and it's one of my favourite things to do, and I'm looking forward to doing requests for you!You can also find me as Mod Lillie on @islandchallenge and my personal kin blog is @lillieaether
Q: What is kin?
A: kin is most typically a spiritual belief that you were a character/creature in a past life and that you still have a strong connection to them today. There is also people who kin for fun, which is just relating to a character/seeing a lot of yourself in them, these are also called Synpaths. There are also coping kin, which is relating to/seeing yourself as them for coping reasons. These are very simple explanations but there are more in-depth resources out there if you go looking for themQ: What is a CC?
A: A CC is a Comfort Character, this is just a character who is important to you, this can be for kin or non-kin related reasonsQ:Can I use your stuff on other sites?
A: Yes! My stuff isn't just for tumblr, all I ask is that you credit me for whatever you're using. You do not need to credit my icons if you use them on Discord, just please link back to me if anyone asks where it's fromQ: Can I use your stuff if I'm non-kin?
A: Yes! I don't mind non-kins using my stuff just please be sure to credit me where applicable!Q: Can you tag [-]
A: Yes! I'm always happy to tag whatever you need tagging, no questions asked.Q: Are you accepting other mods?
A: No! I am currently not looking for other mods, I'm happy running the blog by myselfQ: What do you use to make your edits?
A: I do everything for this blog on mobile, and I use IbisPaint X for pretty much everything. I also use Picsart on occasion and I do all my gif stuff using Photopea.comQ: Where do you find the images for your moodboards?
A: Largely from Pinterest, but also Tumblr and Google and free to use image sitesQ: Do you have any tips for starting an editing blog?
A: Yes! check hereQ: Do you have any tips for running an editing blog?
A: Yep! here and here[more to be added in the future if needed]